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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Disadvantages of fasting to lose weight.

For those who are starting to lose weight, the first method that many people think of is usually fasting. This is a very normal thing that many people think of because the simple principle is that if you don’t eat, eat less, your weight should

Eating easily digestible protein, helps you sleep well.

Consuming protein near bedtime allows the protein to be digest and absorbed more efficiently. Since the rate of protein synthesis throughout the night while sleep is limit by the amount of amino acids available in the body, consuming protein before bed is very efficient in

Causes of childhood obesity and overweight.

Obesity or childhood obesity is a condition that occurs worldwide and tends to increase continuously because of the changing lifestyles of children today. They move their bodies less, spend their free time watching television, watching online clips, and using social media. The incidence of childhood

How to check the basic thyroid gland by yourself.

Thyrotoxicosis, also known as hyperthyroidism or overactive thyroid, occurs when the thyroid gland produces more thyroid hormone than the body needs. The thyroid gland Checking for initial symptoms of hyperthyroidism by yourself can be done in a few simple steps Hyperthyroidism can be cause by

Various benefits of vitamin A.

The benefits of vitamin A are many. It helps in growth and helps in the body’s functioning systems. Such as nourishing eyesight and helping cells in various tissues to be in a normal state. Helps to strengthen the immune system. Additionally, vitamin A is an antioxidant that

Tips for using shower cream.

Shower cream is an indispensable item. But many people may ignore it and think that any type of shower cream is the same. In fact Choosing the right shower cream for your skin is very important. Because choosing the right may help keep your skin strong and healthy. At the